Gamers Rush New Online Store Live!
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The Gamers Rush Online Store is back online and while we still have quite a lot of work to do, we hope you will enjoy the current new layout and systems in place. The store should now be more responsive on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile as well as being faster.
A new sidebar has been added on the left in every collection to help navigate through the collections as the home page becomes a landing page. There is still more work to be done there and more products to be added over time but we’ll get there.
The old Loyalty system is gone and will be replaced shortly with a new Affiliates system where customers can sign up to become affiliates and earn store credit and monetary funds paid via Paypal and/or bank deposit to affiliates for referring more customers who make purchases on our store. This new system is still being developed and worked on with the new layout and systems already completed so hopefully it will be up and running by the end of July. Please note that no old points will be possible to be disbursed as real funds. They will be applied as store credit as per normal.
We thank you for your patience and hope you’ll bear with us this week as we catch up on fulfilling orders, getting new releases out and catching up with the backlog of orders from last week. Please note that there will be a 24-48 hour response time by the Australian Chat Support Team as they will all be helping us catch up with order picking and packing so if your messages are not replied to on the same day, don’t fret, we’ll get to you ASAP!
Thanks again for your support and your patience, you’re all amazing and we’re working hard to develop new structures to ensure you all get the best possible service moving forward and well into the future!
-Gamers Rush Team